My Daily Self Care Routine.

I feel like If you end up reading this whole blog post, it will make you one of my best friends because this blog post really tells you the ins and outs of my life since this is what my days look like basically every day.

Let’s get into it.

Self Care

For me self-care is what I do for myself each day to feel my best.

Self-care in 2020 is more important than ever.

2020 has been a crazy year, and now that I feel like I’m finally getting over the fact that I won’t get to do all of the fun stuff I dreamed about doing this year I’m trying to focus on taking better care of myself.

So because of that, and because I get asked by you guys pretty often how I stay motivated I decided to break down my daily self-care routine and how that motivates me daily.

I’m going to break this down by time periods of the day, then I’ll dive into how I stay motivated at the end.


Mornings are one of my favorite times of the day. I love getting the day started on the right side of the bed.

Making the Bed

The first thing I do when I get up is making the bed.

I love walking by my room and seeing my bed made, and my room clean it makes me feel like my life is that little bit more in order and it makes me excited to get to crawl back in that snuggly bed later.

Get Ready

Then I head downstairs and make coffee and breakfast.

After my coffee is made I head back upstairs and get ready for the day.

I sit at my vanity and do my hair, and makeup then put on a real outfit every single day. It makes me feel better, and more productive when I am semi-put together.

After I get ready I head into my office and plan out my work & day in my planner.

Once my day is planned I get started on what needs to get accomplished that day.


Most of the afternoon I spend working the only break I typically take in the afternoon is to make lunch and bring it back to my office.


After I get to a good stopping point in work I head downstairs and cook whatever I have planned for dinner that day.


I plan all the meals for the week on Sunday before I go grocery shopping so I have an idea of when I need to head downstairs and start cooking in order for the meal to be ready at dinner time.

I cook at home around 6 (sometimes 5) dinners a week, it makes out-to-eat meals feel more special when I eat at home often, plus I really enjoy cooking for people so that makes it easier to cook basically every meal.

Clean Up

I clean the kitchen counters, stove, and dining room table, do the dishes and vacuum the floors every day after dinner.

I am definitely the type of person who functions better when my environment is clean and I find if I do it every night after making dinner it doesn’t ever get super dirty.

It could also be that growing up my dad would always tell me when I made anything in the kitchen “Clean as you go, and it won’t feel like such a mess” so now it’s ingrained in who I am.


After cleaning up dinner I head upstairs and get ready for my workout.

I try to work out every single day for at least 30 minutes.

It isn’t because I want to look a certain way or lose weight it is just because It’s good for me, and I want to be better to my body.

I have found in this season of life when I am mostly stuck at home because I run my business from home, cook most meals at home, and don’t go out much It is important for me to get out of the house.

So every day I try and get out on a walk, or go to the gym in my community.

For me, it’s just a good time to listen to a podcast and be good to my body.

Even though I used to hate working out I have started really enjoying this time.


Just like my mornings, I love my nights. Mornings and nights are my two favorite parts of most days.

Shower or Bath.. or both?

I love taking a bath, but most days I feel too gross to just get in the bath so I pre-shower (and shave because smooth legs in sweatpants, PJs, or on clean sheets is one of the best feelings) then take a relaxing bath.

It really is one of the best parts of my day, and it just makes me feel so grateful to now live in a house with a really nice bathtub.


I wash my face every night, no questions asked. It is the one thing I must do before I go to sleep even If I had the craziest late night.

I have super acne-prone skin, and thankfully washing it with good products every single day no questions asked, and not picking it at all has cleared my skin 99% compared to what it used to be.

My skincare nighttime routine goes like this:

  1. Wash with Drunk Elephant jelly cleanser.

  2. Tone with Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Glycolic Night Serum.

  3. Moisturize with Protini Polypeptide Cream.

I hate that my skin has such an expensive taste, I ended up getting these products in the mini size and giving them a try and my skin got clearer and better than ever.

So I sucked it up and invested in the full-size and my skin is forever changed.


I love waking up to a clean house so every night I pick up the house, and if I did anyone’s laundry that day I’ll hang it, or put it away while I’m picking up the house.

Relax & Reflect

I feel like relaxing and reflecting is one of my keys to success because it reminds me of all the great things in my life worth working hard for.

Every night before I go to sleep I write in my journal 10 things I am grateful for that happened that day even if they are as small as I drank my coffee when it was hot, or I used a coupon at target.

Then I write down 3 things I’m currently praying for in my life.

This helps me be grateful for everything in my life, while also keeping me focused on what I’m moving toward and hoping for.

How I stay motivated

The question I get the very most is “How do you stay motivated when you work for yourself?” and “How did you stay motivated in the beginning before you made money?”

I think the answer to both of those is this:

I’m not motivated, I don’t wake up every day excited to work (however, I do wake up every day feeling so blessed that this is what I get to do as a job).

I just keep working every day (even before I made any money) because I make it a routine, and I keep reminding myself of where I wanted to be in the future.

So don’t focus on trying to find motivation focus on trying to make it a habit, and routine to work.

Then make it a habit in your routine to spend some time every day focusing on where you want to be, and how you are going to get there.

Last thought:

I decided to write about motivation in my post about my self-care routine because working on your blog or side hustle (whatever that is for you) should really be part of your self-care routine, not just something you do when you are motivated.


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