How To Make a Digital Product + Types of Digital Products.

I’ve recently been writing posts answering many questions on blog monetization and making money online without a blog. It’s felt like the answer to all of the most frequently asked questions is “create a digital product.”

  • What’s the best way to make a lot of money online?
    Create a digital product.

  • What’s the fastest way to make money online?
    Create a digital product.

  • What’s the best way to make money online without a blog?
    Create a digital product.

  • What’s the best way to make money from home without a social media following?
    Create a digital product.

I think you get the point, lol. Digital products can be a life-changing way to earn money from home.

I thought I should write a blog post teaching you how to create a digital product and teach you about the different types of digital products.

In addition to this blog post, I just launched the Product Power Academy that walks you step-by-step (with easy-to-follow tutorials) through creating, marketing and selling your digital product. On top of that, I’ll personally review your product idea, the product itself, and any marketing materials to make sure you’re on the right track. If you are interested in creating a digital product, Product Power Academy & I will help you make your dreams of creating a digital product a reality. 

What are the types of digital products?

There are many different types of digital products and, if you’re creative, you can probably think of even more ideas that come to mind than what I’m about to list.

The most common types of digital products are:

  1. Courses

  2. Ebooks

  3. Printables

  4. Group Coaching

Each of the different types of products is good for different goals. For example, if you want your digital product to cover something at length and earn you a high income per sale, you might go with group coaching. On the other hand, if you want your digital product to be short, sweet, and easy to create, you might create a printable guide or short ebook.

You also have to think about what is required for your digital product. For example, will it need pictures and videos to make sense to your customer? Then it might need to be a course.

In Product Power Academy, I go through each type of digital product and help you pick the correct type of digital product for your financial goals and the amount of time you want to invest. So, if you want help choosing the perfect kind of digital product for you, I recommend checking PPA out.

Who can create a digital product?

One rebuttal I often hear is “I’m not qualified to sell a digital product” or “I don’t have anything to teach on,” and both of those things couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’ve lived, you can create a digital product because I promise you there are experiences you have had that other people haven’t yet and will need help navigating through.

You don’t need a blog, social media following, business license, formal education, or unique experience to create and sell digital products.

There are so many simple everyday topics you could teach a digital product on. Here are some examples:

  • Like to DIY? You could teach new DIYers even if you aren’t a professional carpenter.

  • Have a positive morning routine? You could teach morning rituals to unorganized people trying to become happier or more productive.

  • Mom to more than one? You could walk a pregnant mom through the transition from one to two.

  • Like to cook? You could teach people how to stop eating out so much how you plan a week’s worth of groceries and meals.

  • Lived paycheck to paycheck at some time? Teach someone going through their first financial hardship how to navigate it without losing their mind.

You don’t have to be an expert at anything. You just have to have gone through something someone is newly navigating or wants to learn more about.

In Product Power Academy, I’ll walk you through how to pick the right topic for your goals. This is based on the amount of money you want to make and the number of customers you want. If that isn’t enough to help you get settled on a topic, I’ll work with you one-on-one to pick the right digital product for your goals.

How do you create a digital product?

Now let’s dive into how someone could actually create a digital product.

1. Pick your topic.

Once you’ve settled on actually creating a digital product, the first thing you have to do is choose your topic. We’ve talked a little about topics already, so I won’t go into too much more detail and bore you, but a good topic capable of making good more solves a problem for someone.

All of the examples I provided above solve a specific problem for an audience.

  • Morning rituals to unorganized people trying to become happier or more productive.

    • Problemed solved: becoming happier and more productive.

  • Walk a pregnant mom through the transition from one to two children.

    • Problem solved: ease the mind of a mother by giving them tactics for their transition.

  • Teaching someone going through their first financial hardship how to navigate it without losing their mind.

    • Problem solved: giving peace and strategies to those financially struggling.

2. Pick the type of product it should be.

As we talked about, products that teach a lot probably need to be different than simple products. For example, you wouldn’t want to teach something that covers tons of topics in a printable because it could be challenging for your customer to follow.

Most products can be taught in a course, ebook, or group coaching, so if you want to charge more and are willing to create video content, a course or group coaching would be better. On the other hand, if you only feel comfortable writing, an ebook could be a good fit.

3. Build a network.

Once you’ve got your topic and digital product type selected, it’s time to start building your network of future customers. This way, you’ve got a network of people to sell to when the product is completed.

A network of future customers usually includes

  • The main hub:

    • This can either be a blog, podcast, or a specific social media platform of your choice.

    • On this platform, you will share weekly on topics similar to the digital product you are creating so that you know there is a good chance anyone following you or engaging with your content will be interested in the digital product you are making.

  • A communication channel:

    • This will become the way you let people know you’ve got a product out for sale.

    • This can be an email list or a social media platform.

  • Supporting networks:

    • Another thing you can do is have multiple channels so that you have a more significant customer pool.

    • So, for example, if a blog is your main hub, and you have an email list, you could then use Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok as other platforms you share to in hopes of having an even more extensive network of potential customers by the time your digital product is finished.

    • I don’t do this currently, so I know you can be successful without it, but it is something to consider depending on your goals.

In Product Power Academy, I’ll walk you through choosing your network builders based on your desires and goals because I know not everyone wants to use Facebook or Instagram and has different platforms they feel comfortable sharing on. So if you want help with your specific strategy, check there.

4. Create the digital product content.

You’ve picked your topic, type of product, and you’re starting to build your network, so now it’s time to actually create the digital product.

But how??

Let first break down what each type of digital product usually includes:

  • Courses: videos, lessons or tutorials, & workbooks.

  • Ebooks: workbooks.

  • Printables: workbooks.

  • Group Coaching: video lessons or tutorials, workbooks, and coaching over text, Zoom, or in a private community.

Video lessons are either you talking over slides, you talking straight to a camera, or you recording your screen and talking over it. This can either use a webcam, a camera, or a microphone and computer with screen recording software, or software that allows you to talk over your slides and download them as a video.

Workbooks are usually PDF’s so you can create those in any software that allows you to download your creation as a PDF.

In Product Power Academy, I walk you through how to create each element with video tutorials and actually show how I create each element for my six-figure products. So if you are worried about getting stuck because you aren’t tech-savvy or picking the right tools/software, I recommend checking out PPA. It will show you exactly how to create each element of your digital product, and if you still get stuck after that, I’ll personally help you. Click here to check out Product Power Academy.

5. Price your digital product.

A lot goes into pricing your digital product, such as:

  • The amount you want to make from the digital product.

  • The size of your audience when you start selling the digital product.

  • The value your target audience will see in the product.

  • The financial status of your target audience.

I recommend pricing it by thinking about what you would realistically pay for your product.

It’s easy to get caught up in thinking something along the lines of “I want to make $10,000, and I have a small audience, so I should charge $1,000, and maybe ten people will buy it.” That’s the wrong way to think about it. If your product isn’t marketed to people who have a decent amount of excess cash, you might not have any customers.

It’s better to think about what you would realistically pay for that exact product if you were in your ideal client’s shoes. So, for example, if you know that your ideal client is a mom transitioning from 1 to 2 kids and you have been in that place before, think about what your budget for a product like this would have been at that time.

In Product Power Academy, we go deep into pricing and its psychology because pricing is not as simple as it sounds. I’ll give you the exact pricing strategy that has allowed me to bring in six figures a year with a small following. We will also cover how to get more than you think you should get for your digital product by using a little bit of strategy and money psychology.

6. Create the marketing materials.

Once you’ve got your product made and your ideal price set, it’s time to start creating your marketing materials so that you can launch your product and start earning!

For every digital product you launch, you are going to need:

  • A sales page. This is the checkout page where people actually pay for your product.

  • A landing page. This is a page that advertises your product, its features, who it’s for, and why someone should purchase it.

  • Marketing content for your main hub:

    • A blog post, podcast, or social post talking about something similar to the product that advertises the product throughout.

  • Marketing content for your communication channel:

    • An email or social media post talking about how your product is now available.

  • Marketing content for your supporting networks:

    • Social posts that link to your blog posts, podcast, or main channel social media post about your digital product.

    • Social posts that link to your landing page for the product.

In PPA, I give my exact strategy, step-by-step tutorials, and templates for all of my marketing materials, so you have a guide to work from to know that you are on the right track. Plus, if at any point you’re questioning if your marketing materials are correct, you can send them to me, and I’ll give you feedback and tips.

Click here to check out Product Power Academy.

7. Scale your product.

Once your product is done and launched, it’s time to scale it to truly life-changing levels. One of the ways you scale a digital product is by

  • Making it evergreen: this means making it available for sale all of the time.

  • Creating a marketing funnel: this means creating marketing materials that are constantly seen that direct visitors to your digital product.

  • Running ads to your marketing funnel.

The way digital products become passive life-changing income is by scaling them. For many people, their first launch isn’t going to change their lives but scaling their product can.

In Product Power Academy, I break down how I scale my products and have been able to turn them into tools that generate passive income month after month. Then, I’ll give you step-by-step tutorials on exactly how to make your product the evergreen product of your dreams.

If you’re interested in Product Power Academy, you can check it out here. It’s open for enrollment for just a few more days.

Let digital products change your life.

I hope this blog post helped you better understand digital products because they are truly life-changing.

I can’t imagine my life without digital products. They have provided me with so much financial freedom. I’m no longer dependent on other companies or jobs to make a living. Instead, I can earn from anywhere and work as much as I want.

If you want to work with me to create your own digital product, check out the Product Power Academy. You can check it out here. It’s open for enrollment for just a few more days.

I hope I see you inside! I can’t wait to watch your dreams come true.


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