How to Pick A Topic (or Niche) For Your Blog / Social Media.

I swear choosing a topic and choosing a name are some of the most stressful parts of blogging. Or at least I thought so in the beginning before I actually got into blogging.

I’ve been a full-time blogger since 2017 and If I had to start all over this is the advice I would give myself about choosing a topic aka niche for your blog and social media account.

I’m gonna break it up into two sections how to choose a topic when there are a bunch of things to talk about, and how to choose a topic when you have no idea what to talk about.

How to choose a topic when there are a bunch of things you want to talk about.

The issue was everyone was telling me “Choose a very specific niche to be the most successful” which made me think that I had to pick a specific topic for my blog if I wanted to be successful (& I definitely wanted to be successful)

And when I thought about choosing a specific topic I felt stuck because there were so many different things I wanted to talk about.

I wanted to talk about all of the things. I swear! I wanted to talk about going to college out of state, I wanted to talk about home decor, I wanted to share recipes, I wanted to share travel on a budget, I wanted to share getting married young, I wanted to share paying off debt, I wanted to share nursing school.

Then when I would try and single out just one like home decor I would try and brainstorm some things I could write about to see if that topic was for me. I could come up with like 3 home decor posts before I ran out of ideas.

So what do you do? when you’re in this position?

Say forget it and write about everything.

The standard when it comes to blogging has always been pick a super-specific niche, and use SEO to get traffic to your blog.

When I knew that wasn’t going to work for me because I wanted to talk about too many different things I decided f it I’m just going to talk about everything and focus on using social media to grow my blog instead of using SEO.

It paid off big time. Talking about all these different topics helped me build an audience of women like myself, with the same interests as me. Which meant people were coming back to my blog time and time again, instead of me being dependant on SEO (aka depending on Google to pick up my blog and show it to people when they searched for topics).

So my tip would be, just write about everything you want to write about because you can absolutely be successful talking about everything.

Pick a name that goes with all of the topics.

I just wanted to say if you plan to talk about many things on your blog go with a domain name that will go with everything. This is why I ended up and changing my domain name to my name.

Do you want to start your own money-making blog?

I highly suggest you jump into blogging while it is winter. Typically in the colder months, more people spend time inside and that means more people are reading blogs so your chances of becoming a successful blogger increase in the winter every year.

I know starting a blog can be overwhelming, it seems like there is so much you need to know, and how are you supposed to know how to set everything up, and make sure you are getting the best deal on starting a blog?

Also, how are you supposed to know how to design your blog and get traffic?

I kept getting questions from friends, and people who wanted to start their own blogs

So I figured the best way to answer all these questions would be to create a FREE ( did I mention it’s free?) 6 Day email course.

Which will teach you step-by-step how to set up a blog, install your theme, make a logo, and create monetized content. It will completely kick-start your blogging success.

I totally suggest taking it if you don’t already have a blog (or if you do already have a blog and want the advice) because I really want to help you get your dream job. Here is a more detailed guide of what we go over in it!

  • Day 1: How to choose a name, and blog topics.

  • Day 2: How to start a blog & install the design of your choice.

  • Day 3: Planning out your content.

  • Day 4: Monetizing your website as a beginner.

  • Day 5: Increasing your website's traffic to make more money.

  • Day 6: Wrap up & Guide to follow for the future to maximize profit

Free How to Start a Profitable Blog Course

Learn how to start a profitable blog from scratch in this FREE 6-day email course. Trust me, you won’t need any prior blogging knowledge.


How to choose a topic when you have no idea what to talk about.

Remember you can talk about all of the things you want to talk about you don’t just have to pick one thing. Think of it like this the show Grey’s Anatomy isn’t just about being doctors. There is so much more to that show and people love it for a bunch of different reasons. It’s the same with blogging.

Choosing a topic when you feel lost is hard.

Here are a few tips to help you pick a topic:

Think about your interests:

Nowadays we surround ourselves with our interests. I watch YouTube videos, TikToks, and Instagram stories about things I’m interested in every day. If you are struggling to think of a blog topic look at the info you surround yourself with. Here are a few examples:

  • Who do you follow on social media that you love to follow? could you talk about something similar to what they talk about?

  • What do you love to see on Instagram or Facebook? Could you share your opinion on those things?

  • What do you like to repin on Pinterest? Are those things you could blog about? Maybe you love to pin recipes and you could make blog posts reviewing the recipes that type of thing.

Write down every interest that crosses your mind.

As you think of different interests that you have write them down. Then highlight or circle the different topics you would be interested in writing about.

Once you have one topic you really want to write about or many different topics you want to write about it’s time to pick a name and get started!

You’ve got this!

Helpful Tip: Remember you can change your topic at any time. You can add topics, remove topics or completely change topics. Your blog is in your control and you can be successful talking about anything so follow what your interested in!

Hopefully, this is helpful!


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